Thursday, May 26, 2011

Ain't No Sunshine

Whad'ya know? Bill Withers strikes again (truthfully I hadn't even heard of the guy before I wrote Monday's post) singing "Ain't No Sunshine". He wrote and sang the hit in 1971 and quite frankly we Seattleites feel like there hasn't been sunshine since then! What Mr. Withers didn't tell us in his song is that when there ain't no sunshine you've got to layer!
This "Prairie Underground Rain
Cloak" will certainly add sunshine
 to an otherwise rainy day

That's right folks, when in doubt layer some more. It adds interest and warmth especially when there ain't no sunshine. And it's probably time to go ahead and invest in an attractive rain resistant jacket of some kind. A non-logoed variety is preferable. It can be a long search but when you find one you love it will add a little sunshine to an otherwise dreary Seattle day.

So go ahead layer with a t-shirt, then a long sleeve shirt or sweater, then a scarf, then that cute new coat you're going to get. You never know when the sun will come out- carry a big bag so you can take off a layer and throw it in there. It's really Seattleites who are prepared not boy scouts! I imagine Seattle boy scouts are REALLY prepared! Go forth with layers and preparation and You'll Love What You Wear!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

When a Man Loves a Woman

WARNING: Shameless Style Cents Plug

This Man Loves a Woman
and the Style Cents Mannequin!
Okay, with the warning out of the way let's chat about the oldie but goodie tune "When a Man Loves a Woman" sung so beautifully in 1966 by Percy Sledge. We all remember it and we all know lots of men love "their woman". From my post at Style Cents I've also noticed that when a man loves a woman he can get nervous about the money she spends on clothes!

Well, many of you may be wondering how could said woman cut back on her clothing budget? And if she did would her man love her more? I can answer the first question, the second is for another professional.

I have had more than one man comment about how much money has been saved when their bride chooses to get a Style Cents Wardrobe Analysis. How can this be you ask? It is amazing what can happen when a knowledgable third party- Style Cents- comes in to your closet and finds what needs to go and what should stay. When that process is over fabulous clothing combinations are created with the remaining pieces and pure magic happens. One aspect of the magic is you now have less but you have SO much more to wear. Clutter is reduced and style is increased. Told ya it was magic! And Style Cents leaves you with a targeted shopping list so that when you do choose to invest in your wardrobe you are focused and spend your time and money wisely.

So, really the moral of the story is When a Man Loves a Woman he purchases a Style Cents Wardrobe Analysis for her (it should be noted sometimes the man needs a nudge from the woman he loves to do this). When you get your Style Cents Wardrobe Analysis you will most certainly Love What You Wear!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Use Me

You may not recall the soulful Bill Withers tune from 1972 called "Use Me" (you would if you heard it- google it!)  but you can still heed this singer's advice. When you look around your home, in your closets and drawers there are many secret treasures lurking, just screaming, "USE ME"!

This ring would definitely scream
"use me" from your mom's jewelry box
Perhaps an old leather jacket that hasn't seen the light of day since 1982 has another life left in it? Does the bracelet your mom gave you for your birthday decades ago now make sense again? Certainly your grandma's necklace will add charm to your outfit du jour! All these lost treasures give your look personality and individuality. But be careful with jewelry and clothing from the past, you'll almost always want to pair them with modern, perhaps even trendy pieces. This will ensure your look is not dated but funky and fun!

Go ahead...I dare you...dig something fun out of your closet, your mom's closet, your husband's closet, or a  local thrift store. Add some originality to your look by listening to the faint "use me" coming from the attic and you'll Love What you Wear!

Monday, May 16, 2011

Forever in Blue Jeans

You knew it was coming. A song about jeans sung by one of the greatest (and cheesiest) artists of our time? Yep. Done. Neil Diamond had it right when he sang about being "Forever in Blue Jeans". It is, after all, a viable option today with all the cool styles available.
Got Jeans?

Jeans are the cornerstone of most anyone's wardrobe, especially if you live in Seattle. The idea that jeans are just to be casual is a bit dated. If you wear a pair of dark wash jeans with a dressy top and great heels or boots you may be forever remembered by your date (in a good way, of course)! You could wake up the next day and head to your son's soccer game or your niece's t-ball tournament and sport skinny jeans with cool rain boots (it is Seattle!) and a hip rain jacket. Once you come home and dry off those skinny jeans you can pair them with a dressy platform and a trendy lace top and be out for yet another date! Most people can even wear jeans to work. There has never been a time when so many jean styles are readily accessible. And there is a perfect style (or two, or three) for you! Experiment- don't get caught in a rut. Try the skinny jean- REALLY! You might be surprised. And the boyfriend jean with the bottoms rolled up once or twice- hello spring! The classic straight leg trouser jean- understated sexy! Buy them for a little, buy them for a lot. Buy them new or let someone else wear them in and pick them up at a consignment shop or thrift store.

It's 2011 people and there's never been a better time to be forever in blue jeans! When you have a selection of perfect fitting, stylish jeans in your wardrobe you'll definitely Love What You Wear!