Wednesday, April 27, 2011

These Boots are Made for Walking

We all know the Nancy Sinatra hit single from 1966, "These Boots are Made for Walking". If there's anything I love it's a great pair of boots and if they're made for (comfortable) walking then it's practically a dream come true.
These can help your boots
 and jeans be made for walking!

Once you have a pair of boots that are stylish and made for walking, what happens when you tuck your jeans into your boots? Well, some boots are made for jean stuffing and some are not! If you have spent too many mornings working overtime trying to stuff your skinny jeans into your boots, only to find them bunching up as soon as you take a step, there just may be a solution. Enter the amazingly simple and astonishingly effective pant clip. They are a lot like sheet clips used to keep sheets in place on mattresses. There is nothing sexy or cool about these pant clips but they just may save you some time and frustration next time you want to take those boots walking without those pants bunching! When you "clip your pants" and don your boots you are much more likely to Love What You Wear!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Safety Dance

When Men Without Hats sang "Safety Dance" in the 80's they couldn't have imagined the safety dance we all do as we groove through airport security lines for the sake of all our safety. But wow, it sure does mess with our fashion!

Choosing an airport friendly outfit takes a lot of forethought when you consider that you'll be doing at least one safety dance on your journey. What shoes to wear that are easily taken on and off. And accessories? What a commitment! You've got to really love that necklace if you're going to commit to the on and off dance process. As I was doing the safety dance at a recent airport I was asked to take off my scarf- I mean heaven knows what I might have hidden in that thing! As I was taking it off I told the head dancer that I would never be able to replicate the fabulous scarf configuration currently hugging my chilly neck. That old dancer didn't even crack a smile, didn't even care about the perfect knot I'd created in the wee hours of the morning only to have it destroyed. Oh, well, I smiled for him and proceeded on with my fabulous safety moves. I will say, however, I was correct- I wasn't able to replicate my earlier master piece with as much scarf flair. Probably because I was too busy putting my shoes back on, making sure my precious iphone was still with me and of course making sure the kids were still in the dance party!

I'm grateful for the security provided at airports and I enjoy thinking about how to beat the safety dance with a great and safety resistant outfit- I still haven't perfected it. The next time you are suited up for an airport safety dance, just hum the tune and know those great accessories will be of better use later in your trip, then you'll really Love What You Wear!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

You Are My Sunshine

With any luck your "sunshine" won't turn out like this!
Everyone remembers singing "You Are My Sunshine" when they were kids. It was originally recorded in 1939 by the Pine Ridge Boys and has been recorded by many others through the years. Our ideas about sun have changed as many times as the recording artists singing this song . If you were born in 1939 you heard a different story about the sun than you did if you were born in 1999 (didn't Prince sing a song about that year?).

Enter the age of self tanners, tanning booths and spray tanning. What to do when you're a white whitey and want some color, especially when headed to a beach vacation? As I write this I have lots of color from an air brush tanning session. It's amazing how color can change the way you look. I also have to admit there is an orange hue to it but I have high hopes it will settle into a nice looking tan. The airbrush method beats the booth spray tan by miles- it's much more exacting and doesn't have any drip lines. I do believe airbrush spray tanning IS my sunshine of choice. Now I have to remember that I don't really have a tan and apply LOTS of sunscreen when out in the real sun!

Before you decide your choice of "sunshine" ask friends what they've done in the past to emulate that sun kissed look ala Jennifer Anniston not George Hamilton! The most important thing is to stay out of the real sunshine so as not to look like the handbag on your arm. A little color can definitely help you Love What You Wear !

Monday, April 11, 2011

Short Shorts

In 1958 a band named The Royal Teens asked the question "Who Wears short Shorts?" I've got to tell you I'm asking the same question in 2011! Who does wear short shorts? Do short people wear short shorts? Or are short shorts only for tall people? Can women over 40 wear short shorts or are they only for the young(er)?

Everyone knows politics and religion shouldn't be discussed at a party. I'm not so sure short shorts should be discussed either. It can be as divisive as an immigration law chat or an evolution dialogue. Yikes! Just to be clear I'm on the side of bermuda shorts after 40 and I much prefer fun summer dresses and skirts to any type of shorts. They're more comfortable, more feminine and usually more flattering. Lots of women can go an entire Seattle winter without even thinking of a dress or skirt- a summer frock can be quite liberating (and for the dress lover, quite exciting!)

I realize there is no right or wrong answer to the great short shorts debate. I would, however, suggest that those who love short shorts dabble in donning a stylish sporty or flirty dress this summer. You may find that the answer to "who wears short shorts" is "not me". When the warm temperatures finally get here, reach into your closet and take age and body type into consideration before deciding who wears short shorts. No matter what your decision make sure you Love What You Wear!

Saturday, April 9, 2011

It's Tricky

Who doesn't want ruching on their swimsuit?!
At the risk of putting a song in your head that you'll never get out, I have to remind you of the Run DMC song "It's Tricky". When I hear them singing "it's tricky, tricky, tricky" I can't help but think of the trickiest fashion feature ever- the almighty ruching!

It's tricky alright! I wish all my clothes were ruched. Talk about hiding a multitude of sins- it's pure magic. Houdini has nothing on ruching! If you haven't had the pleasure of owning a ruched top or dress I highly suggest you give it a try. Ruching provides lots of interest and style while giving you loads of confidence.

When in doubt- ruche and you'll Love What You Wear!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Leather and Lace

A perfectly versatile lace top
I must admit I loved the 1981 Stevie Nicks/Don Henley duet "Leather and Lace". Proof positive that the more things change the more they stay the same. Flash forward to 2011 and I am now loving the new leather and lace spring fashions.

This season is filled with fun lace and leather clothing that can fit into anyone's wardrobe. You can incorporate leather and lace in lots of ways- lace vests, tops, skirts and dresses are all great choices. And leather vests, jackets and belts add playful juxtaposition to the lace! Just make sure you choose pieces that best reflect your style. Lace can easily slide into a Madonna look and leather to a biker persona. Know thyself and shop accordingly!

So pick a couple leather and/or lace favorites this spring. Pair your new pieces with clothing you already own for a modern, timely look that makes good Style Cents! No need to break the bank to partake in the latest look- it can be easy and inexpensive to Love What You Wear!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Riahanna doesn't need an umbrella with this hairstyle
Sure Rihanna sings about her "Umbrella" but we Seattleites are living the Umbrella dream (or is that a nightmare?). But funny thing about umbrellas and Seattle- most people who live in Seattle don't carry one. It's easy to spot a recent transplant or visitor- it's the person carrying an umbrella!

So what does a seasoned Seattleite do to combat the rain in lieu of carrying an umbrella? Be the rain baby! Just as a good boy scout is always prepared so is a savvy fashionista. My philosophy is everyone should have a good rainy day hair plan. If you normally blow your hair dry to silky, straight perfection and find yourself out and about on a rainy day you'll find the perfection soon turns to perfectly frizzy! So, what if you worked with the rain instead of against it? Very zen don't you think?

Be armed with a curly or wavy hair look  and frizz defense hair products for those less than dry days. It will save you time, frustration, and the worry of carrying a silly old umbrella (umbrellas are SO California!). Be prepared and Love What You Wear- even your hair!

Monday, April 4, 2011

I Get High With a Little Help from My Friends

She is definitely getting high with a little help from her friend!
It's not too difficult to figure out what The Beatles were referring to when they sang, "I Get High With a Little Help From My Friends". As a 44 year old woman, however, when I hear that song I can't help but think how my boobs get high with a little help from my bra! Yep, I just said that.

Whether you've got a little or a lot to put in a bra, it is probably the most important piece of your wardrobe! It is admittedly most important for big busted women but never underestimate the power of the bra no matter what your size. The bigger you are the more money you have to pay for your bra but it is doing more work so it is absolutely worth the investment. Wearing the correct size and style of bra can make you appear as if you've lost ten pounds. Of course it stands to reason then, if you are wearing the wrong size and style it can look as if you're a bit schlumpy (if that were in fact a word!).

Do yourself (and your boobs) a favor. Go to Nordstrom and get fitted. Most women are wearing the incorrect sized bra. Once you find the perfect bra for you, you will be amazed at how your clothes suddenly look better on you. We all need a little "height" when it comes to that area. Why not get a little help from your friends? Yes, bras are your friends!

Take the time, make the investment and get high with a little help from your friends! When you do, you'll REALLY Love What You Wear!

Friday, April 1, 2011


Perfect Pink!
Pink, perhaps the greatest philosopher of this decade (right?), sings the beautiful song Perfect quite perfectly.  This song started me thinking about how we beat ourselves up over the way our bodies look. I  hear people talking about their bodies in so many negative ways (okay, me included sometimes). So I'm compelled to take this "blog break" to say, "what the hell are women today thinking?"

At the risk of sounding like I'm waxing poetic about the beauty in everyone, blah, blah, blah, I have to admit it's true! Wake up and smell your hot bodies people! Every client I've worked with has a lovely figure and was fun to dress. That being said not many of them feel this way. We're all aging, we're all working or raising kids, or both. Give yourselves a break. Or as Pink says, "pretty pretty please, don't you ever feel like you're anything less than, less than perfect". Perfect comes in all shapes and sizes. Luckily clothes come in all shapes and sizes too- a stroke of genius really! Perfect is in the eye of the beholder. Behold your perfection. Trust me, you're probably the only one who isn't beholding your perfection so better late to the party than never!

Be happy, be healthy, be PERFECT- oh, and of course, Love What You Wear!